segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2015

My Virtual Love

My virtual love, i love you from this brilliant screen
Cyber relationship, kisses in data format
I love you through this world web, information transfer
I touch the warm monitor screen and feel your face
Typing words in a mute dialogue
Real time conversation for a cybernetic love
The distance excites me, I desire you without seeing you
My love is online, behind this screen I do exist only for you

I don’t know you, I´ve never seen you, I´ve never heard you
I´ve never felt you, I´ve never smelt your perfume, your lips,
Your body, your hair, your breast,
But I´ve felt your love,
I love you.

Today I wanna talk to you as if you were here,
I wanna talk about my day in this despicable filthy city,
I wanna talk through typed words,
I´m your cyber boyfriend in this solitary mechanical world.

I wait you for hours but you don’t come,
Days pass by, where are you?
I anxiously wait for you in this small dark bedroom
with my heart on my hands, why don’t you show up?
Like a little son waiting for his fallen mother
You go the way you came, a faceless ghost, why?

Weeks pass, I´m waisting myself in these four walls
My fragile heart still waits for you, I´m pathetic
Why do you hide yourself behind an offline status?

The watch hands move, I spend hours here,
I don’t leave my home anymore, I don’t go to work anymore,
I don’t eat, I don’t see anyone else anymore,
I don’t feel hungry, I don’t feel thirst
I´m here, I´m waiting you, come back for the love of God,
Beard grows on my face, my body weakens,
I lose the bright on my eyes, I´m obsessed.

The gray and rainy day outside expresses my agony,
My dark bedroom becomes a cave enlightened by the monitor,
Cruel monitor that doesn’t bring you back,
I feel pain, I feel too much pain, where are you?
I promised you I´d look for you,
You promised you´d wait for me,
Why are you doing this now?
My love, don’t leave me

The brightness of the world disappears,
The monitor screen slowly fades,
The rainy day goes from gray to black,
I hear death calling my name

The internet will never send you another email,
You will never receive another download from my ignored suffering,
Wherever you are in this so distant country
Know that someone has cried for you uncorresponded love,
And after today my eyes will close forever,
And I´ll keep crying for your love that I never had,
Awaiting forever in front of this damned machine

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