quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015

I Wish I Had Died in Auschwitz

I wish I had died in Auschwitz
Alongside my warm little friends
I saw all of them departing
But I survived

I saw my little friends die
Choked with Zyklon B
Baths that cleaned them of the impurity of life
Guilty for having Jewish descent

"The children! They spare the children!"
Someone shouted and made my mother hope
With tears in her eyes she handed me the Germans of strong arms
And they took me to the terrible doctor,
The famous Angel of Death

Doctor Mengele was an educated and eloquent man
And when he spoke he was always smiling
After seeing me crying he smiled
And kindly offered me a lollipop

In children they did experiments
From the most simple to the most violent
In their eyes they injected whitening
To change their color within

And the worst thing was done with twins
In which they were sawn in half while still alive
And stitched back together several times
To create Siamese twins

Twins were infected with diseases
And when the virus killed them on the tables
Mengele did autopsy in both the diseased and the healthy
To study the effects on the infected organism

Children had their arms and legs frozen
To study the effects on their gangrenous limbs
Bones and muscles were transplanted
To determine the regeneration of the changed tissue

Boys of only twelve years old
Were guinea pigs in concussion tests
They were tied firmly to chairs
And a mechanical hammer hit neatly on their heads

I saw my little friend getting mute
On an absurd medical experiment
In his throat they injected solvents
To change his voice artificially

Human limbs were sawn
And members of other people were stitched back
Many were mutilated
And to the use of prostheses they were condemned

No one survived the surgeries
In none of them there was anesthesia
Everything was valid in that insane carnage
For the inevitable rise of the "glorious Aryan race"

The Star of David was broken
They dressed us in striped clothing
The fire that illuminates the famous Chandelier
Is the same of those macabre burning ovens

I could not even bury my parents
I will not see them ever again
My mother was poisoned by the gas as soon as she arrived
And my father died of exhaustion from excessive working

If only the Germans could let me in
In that room filled with shoes
Or that room filled with rounded glasses
I would have something to remind me of my father and my mother

And the memories ...
The memories are something that consumes me

With the end of the war came the release
And I got out alive from the concentration camp
I raised my arms and thanked the sky
When I finally moved to Israel

I married a beautiful Jewish woman
And with her I constituted a family
I had many sons and daughters
I thought everything had finally worked well in my life

The hate aged along with me
My children became enemies
I raised them with violence and oppression
I always beated them because it gave me satisfaction

I may have inherited it from the Nazis
Violence, sadism and cowardice
The inability to love
From childhood I was educated to hate

My children grew up resentful
As a parent I failed to give them affection
For me they feel hatred and grudge
For I myself have not learned what it is to feel love

My sons have left me
My daughters abandoned me
My wife divorced me
And now I'm alone

Some returned to Ukraine
And others bought their homes in Poland
And I was left here alone
At the city of Tel Aviv

And alone I remember
Of Auschwitz and the torment
The infamous concentration camp
Which killed everyone and left me alone

My little friends
I feel so alone
Mom, where are you?
Dad, I wanted to hug you
I wanted so much to see them again
I wanted so badly to have died with them

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