segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2015

I Never Loved You

She takes the gun from the floor and points it at my face
Her red, wet eyes are soaked in tears and burn
She vociferates in agony that she can´t stand me anymore
That she has suffered enough and will put an end on it all now

I tell her to calm down, I can tell she´s nervous
I try to tranquilize her with reason
But she knows my cynical stare
She knows my hypocrite worthless ways

Her hands tremble, she feels fear
Says she´s sick of my indifference
She´s sick of being used like an object
To be offended, hurt, depressed, forgotten
Sad, misunderstood, not corresponded
Says her heart is wounded, tears roll down
Sweat mixes together, the blood boils
She doesn’t want to suffer anymore

I don’t give a fuck, I don’t care about this woman
I don’t feel commotion about her misery
I don’t care about her agony
I laugh at her pain
I step over her romantic heart
And play with her futile feelings

I tell her to put the gun down but she doesn’t move
I say she´s being an idiot, that this is just another fight
She can see the falsity in my cold eyes
I only see her lingerie that makes her sensual

I tell her to put the gun down
She trembles and cries like an insignificant girl
Her face still carries the mark of the aggression
A remembrance of my hand

She doesn’t want to suffer anymore but loves me like noone
I only care about her when she´s in the bed
I have motives to laugh
There are a lot of motives to make her cry
I tell her she´s indifferent and I provoke her:
“what are you going to do?"

She closes her eyes and shoots
The impact explodes in my chest and I´m cast against the window
The glass shatters and I fall on the nocturnal coldness
The cold wind blows on my body of ice, colder than the night
The blood drips like a damned rain of blood
The shattered glass comes down on me
Before I die I look up to the window and think:
“you never meant anything to me”
The impact on the ground makes me pass out and takes my life away
Damned woman, I never felt anything for you....

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