quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2015

The Rose, the Voice and the Imagination

Cristoph walks hurriedly. He does not know what is real or even if he´s within any reality. In fact, he does not know nothing at all. Something strange happens to him, a good feeling that beats in his chest and lets ecstatic, making him forget all the torment and imbalance that punishes his mind.

The boy walks between dimensions.

Love is a strong and beautiful feeling, so intense that sometimes we forget about the pain. Cristoph fell in love with a beautiful girl with brown hair and delicate appearance. She is modest when dressing and never makes up more than necessary. She wears wire-rimmed glasses and the boy watched as she struggled to see well. Whenever she passed she greeted him with a friendly smile, leaving him very happy. "How she is delicate!" he thought.

So one day he gathered up courage and called her to talk. The surprise came with a huge impact. She was much friendlier than he thought, but spoke too many dirty words! And the more she spoke, more dirty words came out, and very naturally! The girl said she has an older brother, perhaps this explains her bad habit. Growing up with the influence of a man can result in it. Cristoph does not care. At least she was not rude or unfriendly, and always listened to him whenever he wanted to talk. Shy as always, sometimes she gave him more attention than he could bear, and it made him very uncomfortable.

The boy never understood how such a beautiful girl would accept his friendship, and that´s when the feeling grew and grew. Unfortunately Cristoph was different and perhaps the two could be together if he was not a dimensional paradox.

So Cristoph walks with a rose in his hand. Excited and exhilarated by the feeling, he does not notice that the rose stem has sharp thorns. His left hand holds firmly and thorns tear his skin, piercing through the palm of his hand. The blood flows from the wound, a red and hot blood so different from those shown on films. "Blood ..." he hears repeatedly in his mind, and then the drops fall through the floor.

Seeing the girl, he extends his arm and offers her the flower.

- For you.

The reaction was energetic and grotesque.

- Move it from me!

The girl raises her hands and turns her face, feeling great repulsion for the disgusting flower. Cristoph, still with his arm stretched, does not understand the reaction of his beloved and saddens himself, with sorrow stamping on his face.

Finally the girl turns away and run, frightened and angry with the bizarre situation. The boy stood there for a moment, without reaction or emotion to face the moment. Then tears pour down from his eyes, becoming sad and depressed to see the girl leaving.

Back in his apartment, Cristoph fills a glass of water and then places the rejected flower in it. Approaching the window, the same window that shines with neon red at night, he puts it in the small space of the sill. That sickening blood stain is still there and runs down the glass and the wall.

Sitting in his armchair, he lights a cigarette and think about the occurred. Suddenly the phone rings.

Or does not ring, he can´t say it anymore.

- Hello?

- Cristoph, it's me. And then? Did you give the rose to your beloved today? What is her name? Anneliese ...?

The boy recognizes the female voice on the other end.

- Leave me alone.

- Love is such a beautiful feeling, isn´t it? People lose reason, get delighted, fall in love, delude themselves ... Sometimes it is so strong that can overcome the pain. And by the way, how is your hand?

The boy gets angry.

- Who are you, anyway ?!

The voice on the other end gets silent. Cristoph have the feeling she is smiling.

- You should not smoke, Cristoph. It makes you sick.

- I do not care for what you say. You're not even real. Maybe it's just a voice echoing inside my head.

- Are you sure?

So the boy gets confused.

On impulse he hangs up the phone. Taking a deep breath, he wipes the sweat from his forehead and then smoke some more. Again picking up the phone, he checks the call log and finds no callings during those minutes. He is scared, is he going crazy?

Suddenly his phone vibrates. A new message arrived.

"Cristoph, as an anchor holding a ship you'll need me to don´t lose yourself. Reality, existence or dream, there is no consciousness outside the dimension. You cannot run away, as soon as you accept it the better. "

The boy trembles. A minute later another message arrives.

"And then? What do you want to talk about?"

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